Practically everyone knows that Bill Cosby is one of America’s beloved comedians. Many know that Jeremiah Wright was President Obama’s controversial pastor. Nobody knows that I first brought carnitine into the United States and conducted the first clinical study with it in hyperthyroid patients.
So what do we all have in common? We all attended Central High School during the fifties. Central, at that time was one of the most prestigious public schools in America. It was an all male school and one had to pass a tough test in order to be admitted. The student body ranged from the rich to the poor and students came from all over the city. The teachers were inspiring and the classes very much alive. You may not believe this but I used to wake up in the morning and, despite the long commute, couldn’t wait to enter those exciting halls of teaching. Most of us loved Central.
Cosby was a year behind me and Wright entered either my senior year or shortly thereafter. Cosby’s Central buddy was James DePriest, the nephew of Toscanini’s favorite contralto, Marian Anderson, and now the conductor of the Oregon Symphony Orchestra. For the record, Cosby, DePriest and Wright are black and I’m Italian. Notice I didn’t say I am “white” for most of my Italian and other friends believe that Italians are, indeed, not white!
Before I go on here’s a quick entertaining story: About 5 years ago I was at the Le Cirque restaurant in Manhattan when Bill Cosby walked in. I began to sing the beginning notes of the Central High school song. His countenance lighted up, joined me in song, and we talked about our great days at Central for a long time. We both were Barnwell Honor Roll winners and, would you believe, he was proudly wearing his Barnwell pin on his lapel. We then got up and sang the school song to the bewilderment of the folks dining at the tables, let alone the management.
Not too long after I left Central something happened that was a disturbing harbinger of things to come. It involved what I think was called at the time Girls High. It was an all girls school with a fine academic reputation. Anyway, the parents of one of the girl students sued Central for excluding girls. The courts not only agreed to end the all boys status but limited the students to the locality of the neighborhood. So the bright male kids from the poor sections of the city could not attend. Thus a school that produced lots of scientists, physicians, teachers, entrepreneurs, leaders of all sorts and Cosby, DePriest, Wright and me began its downward slide.
I was quite disturbed by this decision not only because of the irreparable damage it did to Central but it represented the beginning of the larger movement of the courts to force equality in our educational system and diminish freedom and quality of our students which, in turn, has weakened our country. Our current court- sanctioned diversity system in our schools is a clear indicator of the push for too much equality and its consequences. It diminishes our country’s intellectual capital.
I’ll keep reminding you in this blog that, freedom, that which made our country great, and equality are eternal enemies. The balance between the two is critical and now the scale is tipping way too much toward the side of equality.
This blog is for discussion of "The Attack on the White Male - And the Weakening of America," a book by Stephen L. DeFelice, M.D. See our website at
Monday, October 18, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Update on the “Cursed” Two Words “White Male”
Recently I was interviewed on a radio show regarding my book, The Attack on the White Male and the Weakening of America. The hostess, an intelligent lady, gave me a glowing introduction about my medical career but it was hedged in such a way that I knew what was coming.
It went something like this:
“Dr. DeFelice, considering your accomplishments as”, (she read some of them), make me wonder how you can write a racist book.”
I replied, “I knew what you said was coming. What in the title of the book is racist? If I were to write, white female, black male, Korean couples, Hispanic women, Cherokee male, you would not have asked that question,” I then added the words “white male” are radioactive to you and practically everybody who supports the widespread attack on them in our country. I also mentioned that the media is frightened to either write or talk to me about the book because of these cursed words.
I mentioned what is interesting is that, unlike women and minority groups, white males do not fight back.
It went something like this:
“Dr. DeFelice, considering your accomplishments as”, (she read some of them), make me wonder how you can write a racist book.”
I replied, “I knew what you said was coming. What in the title of the book is racist? If I were to write, white female, black male, Korean couples, Hispanic women, Cherokee male, you would not have asked that question,” I then added the words “white male” are radioactive to you and practically everybody who supports the widespread attack on them in our country. I also mentioned that the media is frightened to either write or talk to me about the book because of these cursed words.
I mentioned what is interesting is that, unlike women and minority groups, white males do not fight back.
Monday, October 4, 2010
What’s the Difference Between a Squealer, a Snitch and a Whistleblower? And How is This Impacting Our Lives?
Not too long ago a squealer was considered one of the lowest forms of human life. They were also called “rats” and nobody wanted to be a rat for fear of certain retribution! These strong feelings were held by both males and females starting in early elementary school. Today you hardly hear the squealer word and it has largely been replaced by the word “snitch”, generally a milder term lacking the passionate disdain that was associated with a rat. But even the snitch word currently is not commonly seen or heard let alone condemned.
Now there are no commonly used words for good squealing or snitching. For example, if a bunch of guys plan to beat up and rob an old lady then snitching on them is laudable.
Today, mainly driven by the self interest of the powerful general media, the word “whistleblower” which generally applies to people who snitch or squeal on corporations or the government is now part of the national vocabulary.
Please note that the media- and practically everyone else including parents and educators - hardly criticize anyone who falls into these three categories. The 24/7 media is highly competitive needing breakthrough stories and pays off squealers, snitches or whistleblowers or whatever you want to call them as their main source of information. For this reason you rarely see media attacks against these informants. It’s simply a matter of self-interest by the media folks which reflects normal human behavior. If you don’t have a breakthrough story you won’t be promoted or may even lose your job!
Regarding practically everyone else who tolerates these informants, it has become part of our culture. The result, and nobody has told you this, is that we have now created a nation of increasing multiple spies invading the privacy of both individual people and organizations because of their self interest ranging from mostly vindictive personal or financial interest to much rarer nobler national interest ones.
Fearing punishment from the government, spying on one another, even family members, was common in the Soviet Union which created a culture of fear making it possible for the Communists to maintain control over the people.
Informants are now everywhere. Students in high school are urged to reveal the names of those who have violated a school code. I recently met a senior student who was a leader. He and other leaders were told to “tell on” other students who are not following school rules. He told me that some did indeed, let’s say it, squeal! And they, would you believe, felt good about it! The movie, Scent of a Woman, staring Al Pacino powerfully defends the honor of a student who refuses to snitch. This should be shown to all pre-college students as well as their teachers.
Here’s the latest on whistleblowing: A recent piece of financial legislation authorizes the Securities and Exchange Commission to payoff or make “financial rewards” to Whistleblowers on the financial community up to 30% of a penalty above $1 million if they inform the government of illegal financial transactions or fraud. As a result a clever lawyer entrepreneur has started an advertising campaign to potential Whistleblowers to come to him with the information and he will manage the case for a fee.
The New York Post, in plain effective language warns, “Wall Street crooks, watch out! Your ex-wife or accountant, or both, are champing at the bit to make a quick buck ratting you out.” I would add your wife, children, your best friend and your trustworthy colleague either acting alone or in cahoots.
Make no doubt about it, this is one of the many dangerous trends that is weakening our country. What is most alarming is the lack of leaders to sound the alarm and bring about effective remedies.
Now there are no commonly used words for good squealing or snitching. For example, if a bunch of guys plan to beat up and rob an old lady then snitching on them is laudable.
Today, mainly driven by the self interest of the powerful general media, the word “whistleblower” which generally applies to people who snitch or squeal on corporations or the government is now part of the national vocabulary.
Please note that the media- and practically everyone else including parents and educators - hardly criticize anyone who falls into these three categories. The 24/7 media is highly competitive needing breakthrough stories and pays off squealers, snitches or whistleblowers or whatever you want to call them as their main source of information. For this reason you rarely see media attacks against these informants. It’s simply a matter of self-interest by the media folks which reflects normal human behavior. If you don’t have a breakthrough story you won’t be promoted or may even lose your job!
Regarding practically everyone else who tolerates these informants, it has become part of our culture. The result, and nobody has told you this, is that we have now created a nation of increasing multiple spies invading the privacy of both individual people and organizations because of their self interest ranging from mostly vindictive personal or financial interest to much rarer nobler national interest ones.
Fearing punishment from the government, spying on one another, even family members, was common in the Soviet Union which created a culture of fear making it possible for the Communists to maintain control over the people.
Informants are now everywhere. Students in high school are urged to reveal the names of those who have violated a school code. I recently met a senior student who was a leader. He and other leaders were told to “tell on” other students who are not following school rules. He told me that some did indeed, let’s say it, squeal! And they, would you believe, felt good about it! The movie, Scent of a Woman, staring Al Pacino powerfully defends the honor of a student who refuses to snitch. This should be shown to all pre-college students as well as their teachers.
Here’s the latest on whistleblowing: A recent piece of financial legislation authorizes the Securities and Exchange Commission to payoff or make “financial rewards” to Whistleblowers on the financial community up to 30% of a penalty above $1 million if they inform the government of illegal financial transactions or fraud. As a result a clever lawyer entrepreneur has started an advertising campaign to potential Whistleblowers to come to him with the information and he will manage the case for a fee.
The New York Post, in plain effective language warns, “Wall Street crooks, watch out! Your ex-wife or accountant, or both, are champing at the bit to make a quick buck ratting you out.” I would add your wife, children, your best friend and your trustworthy colleague either acting alone or in cahoots.
Make no doubt about it, this is one of the many dangerous trends that is weakening our country. What is most alarming is the lack of leaders to sound the alarm and bring about effective remedies.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
The National Curse on the Two Words, "White Male"
I hired a well-respected public relations firm to promote my book for a three month period to the traditional media – print, radio and television. After a substantial mailing of the book with a press release and personal phone call follow-ups, there was zero response. Oops, I forgot to mention two brief radio interviews. My media and other colleagues told me that this lack of response with this type of book was unheard of and was due to the curse that our country has put on the words “white male” and the fear of repercussions if the curse is challenged.
As I said before, cultural forces for over a half-century have stamped and characterized these two words as racist and misogynistic. This curse has scared to death the media, politicians and practically everybody else. If, instead, the title were changed to Asian, Black, Hispanic or Cherokee Indian males or females, the media response would have been healthy.
Let me tell you about a few anecdotal events that happened not only to me, but to others who have read the book.
There is a local coffee shop where I generally go to do some thinking and writing. The proprietor, a very nice guy, asked me if he could place the book on the shelf in his shop where it could be purchased. And I agreed. After only a few days a white, well-dressed male saw the book on the shelf and told him that he was offended by the title and that it was too risky for his business to sell a book with the “cursed” words and that he should remove it from the shelves because of the risk of losing customers. The proprietor, fearful of these potential consequences, promptly removed the book.
I and a few lady and men friends showed the cover of the book to a number of white females and males. The substance of the male responses was unanimous. They all warned that the title of the book would get me into trouble. None showed any interest in rallying around the flag both to the message and promotion of the book. Also, none had interest in reading it.
Now get this: after women viewed the cover, the majority agreed with the message, were emotionally positive about it and most of them purchased the book.
I was invited to make a presentation about my book to a local chapter of a large national organization. My message hit home. The folks loved it but, however, when I asked them to spread the message to their national constituents, they feared it would be too risky and would be labeled as racist. Interestingly enough, they weren’t concerned about accusations of misogyny.
The second in charge of another group invited me to speak at meeting of its members. The date was set. But when the numero uno of the group read the title of the book, he canceled my talk for fear of being labeled as racist.
I’ve faced the curse a number of other times. What is alarming is the fear factor. One way to lift the curse is for people to begin using these words in normal conversation as we use other words. The question is who will step to the plate.
As I said before, cultural forces for over a half-century have stamped and characterized these two words as racist and misogynistic. This curse has scared to death the media, politicians and practically everybody else. If, instead, the title were changed to Asian, Black, Hispanic or Cherokee Indian males or females, the media response would have been healthy.
Let me tell you about a few anecdotal events that happened not only to me, but to others who have read the book.
There is a local coffee shop where I generally go to do some thinking and writing. The proprietor, a very nice guy, asked me if he could place the book on the shelf in his shop where it could be purchased. And I agreed. After only a few days a white, well-dressed male saw the book on the shelf and told him that he was offended by the title and that it was too risky for his business to sell a book with the “cursed” words and that he should remove it from the shelves because of the risk of losing customers. The proprietor, fearful of these potential consequences, promptly removed the book.
I and a few lady and men friends showed the cover of the book to a number of white females and males. The substance of the male responses was unanimous. They all warned that the title of the book would get me into trouble. None showed any interest in rallying around the flag both to the message and promotion of the book. Also, none had interest in reading it.
Now get this: after women viewed the cover, the majority agreed with the message, were emotionally positive about it and most of them purchased the book.
I was invited to make a presentation about my book to a local chapter of a large national organization. My message hit home. The folks loved it but, however, when I asked them to spread the message to their national constituents, they feared it would be too risky and would be labeled as racist. Interestingly enough, they weren’t concerned about accusations of misogyny.
The second in charge of another group invited me to speak at meeting of its members. The date was set. But when the numero uno of the group read the title of the book, he canceled my talk for fear of being labeled as racist.
I’ve faced the curse a number of other times. What is alarming is the fear factor. One way to lift the curse is for people to begin using these words in normal conversation as we use other words. The question is who will step to the plate.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
N.Y. Jets, "Hot" Female Reporter and DMS (The Demasculinization Syndrome)
Recently a self-proclaimed “hot” Mexican female reporter entered the Jets’ locker room filled, of course, with all young male players with high testosterone levels. Well, the guys reacted as normal, healthy men would do by making catcalls and flirty words such as “Eres muy guapa” (“You are very beautiful”).
Then the top brass of the Jets’ organization panicked and meekly apologized and requested that the Association of Women in Sports Media host an “educational session” with the team regarding proper behavior toward women. I also just read, would you believe, that the NFL is launching an investigation into this matter. Despite the fact that the lady reporter told a Mexican TV station that the guys were just “kidding around” contradicting what she said to the American media.
Now here’s the point: In my book I address the issues regarding the attack on the white male but there is a broader movement in our country against all males and normal male behavior what I call DMS. When I was a young medical student I tried out for the sandlot team of the Philadelphia Eagles. I also got to know many of the Eagles players and here’s what would have happened then:
- First of all, no woman would have been allowed in the locker room.
- I can tell you that the reaction to a hot woman in the locker room would have been much more intense.
- The management and the fans would have accepted this behavior in good humor.
- The management would never call for an educational session or an investigation.
- Even if the management did call for it, the players would have stubbornly and proudly rejected the request.
- If, perchance, the players did go to the educational session they would have been the laughingstock of the country.
As an example of how far the DMS has gone, even those who support the Jets players qualify such support by statements as “Though we don’t condone their action” and “Though they should not have done this” when in fact this is very normal male behavior needing no excuses which takes us to the power of the male orgasm. She knew, particularly at age 33 and having posed nude in a magazine, that she would elevate the testosterone levels of any healthy young man and provoke a natural flirtatious reaction.
And for your information, this hot Mexican reporter showed up at the Jets – Baltimore Ravens game dressed in a tight black minidress with a plunging neckline and heels as high as body physiology would permit. I believe that this was the principle reason behind the Jets’ upset loss to the Baltimore Ravens.
Then the top brass of the Jets’ organization panicked and meekly apologized and requested that the Association of Women in Sports Media host an “educational session” with the team regarding proper behavior toward women. I also just read, would you believe, that the NFL is launching an investigation into this matter. Despite the fact that the lady reporter told a Mexican TV station that the guys were just “kidding around” contradicting what she said to the American media.
Now here’s the point: In my book I address the issues regarding the attack on the white male but there is a broader movement in our country against all males and normal male behavior what I call DMS. When I was a young medical student I tried out for the sandlot team of the Philadelphia Eagles. I also got to know many of the Eagles players and here’s what would have happened then:
- First of all, no woman would have been allowed in the locker room.
- I can tell you that the reaction to a hot woman in the locker room would have been much more intense.
- The management and the fans would have accepted this behavior in good humor.
- The management would never call for an educational session or an investigation.
- Even if the management did call for it, the players would have stubbornly and proudly rejected the request.
- If, perchance, the players did go to the educational session they would have been the laughingstock of the country.
As an example of how far the DMS has gone, even those who support the Jets players qualify such support by statements as “Though we don’t condone their action” and “Though they should not have done this” when in fact this is very normal male behavior needing no excuses which takes us to the power of the male orgasm. She knew, particularly at age 33 and having posed nude in a magazine, that she would elevate the testosterone levels of any healthy young man and provoke a natural flirtatious reaction.
And for your information, this hot Mexican reporter showed up at the Jets – Baltimore Ravens game dressed in a tight black minidress with a plunging neckline and heels as high as body physiology would permit. I believe that this was the principle reason behind the Jets’ upset loss to the Baltimore Ravens.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Why I Wrote This Book
America is in deep, deep trouble and, in large part, it is due to the attack on the white male.
My family emigrated from Italy through Ellis Island right after the World War I. I was born during the Depression and have carefully observed four generations of American history. And this is what I’ve concluded: In practically every sector of the American way of living from elementary school to the military there have been constant forces that have and continue to weaken the foundations that made our country number one in the world. There is little doubt that one major force has been the attack on the white male and his values of strength that made us great from our Founding Fathers to our proud and patriotic men who fought in World War II. Then, after that, things rapidly changed which put us on the rapid path of weakness.
The good news is that many Americans, including women, agree that there is a vicious attack on white males. Also, survey after survey tells us that the majority of Americans believe that America is going down the wrong path which is a huge testimony regarding the concern of our continued weakness. But, interestingly enough, few have made the connection between the anti-white male movement and this weakening. This book makes that critical connection which is essential before launching a well thought out counter attack.
What is puzzling is the absence of leaders and white male organizations, unlike the very successful women and black groups – let’s give them credit- to fight this attack. My book calls for this effort as the necessary first step.
America is in deep, deep trouble and, in large part, it is due to the attack on the white male.
My family emigrated from Italy through Ellis Island right after the World War I. I was born during the Depression and have carefully observed four generations of American history. And this is what I’ve concluded: In practically every sector of the American way of living from elementary school to the military there have been constant forces that have and continue to weaken the foundations that made our country number one in the world. There is little doubt that one major force has been the attack on the white male and his values of strength that made us great from our Founding Fathers to our proud and patriotic men who fought in World War II. Then, after that, things rapidly changed which put us on the rapid path of weakness.
The good news is that many Americans, including women, agree that there is a vicious attack on white males. Also, survey after survey tells us that the majority of Americans believe that America is going down the wrong path which is a huge testimony regarding the concern of our continued weakness. But, interestingly enough, few have made the connection between the anti-white male movement and this weakening. This book makes that critical connection which is essential before launching a well thought out counter attack.
What is puzzling is the absence of leaders and white male organizations, unlike the very successful women and black groups – let’s give them credit- to fight this attack. My book calls for this effort as the necessary first step.
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