Recently a self-proclaimed “hot” Mexican female reporter entered the Jets’ locker room filled, of course, with all young male players with high testosterone levels. Well, the guys reacted as normal, healthy men would do by making catcalls and flirty words such as “Eres muy guapa” (“You are very beautiful”).
Then the top brass of the Jets’ organization panicked and meekly apologized and requested that the Association of Women in Sports Media host an “educational session” with the team regarding proper behavior toward women. I also just read, would you believe, that the NFL is launching an investigation into this matter. Despite the fact that the lady reporter told a Mexican TV station that the guys were just “kidding around” contradicting what she said to the American media.
Now here’s the point: In my book I address the issues regarding the attack on the white male but there is a broader movement in our country against all males and normal male behavior what I call DMS. When I was a young medical student I tried out for the sandlot team of the Philadelphia Eagles. I also got to know many of the Eagles players and here’s what would have happened then:
- First of all, no woman would have been allowed in the locker room.
- I can tell you that the reaction to a hot woman in the locker room would have been much more intense.
- The management and the fans would have accepted this behavior in good humor.
- The management would never call for an educational session or an investigation.
- Even if the management did call for it, the players would have stubbornly and proudly rejected the request.
- If, perchance, the players did go to the educational session they would have been the laughingstock of the country.
As an example of how far the DMS has gone, even those who support the Jets players qualify such support by statements as “Though we don’t condone their action” and “Though they should not have done this” when in fact this is very normal male behavior needing no excuses which takes us to the power of the male orgasm. She knew, particularly at age 33 and having posed nude in a magazine, that she would elevate the testosterone levels of any healthy young man and provoke a natural flirtatious reaction.
And for your information, this hot Mexican reporter showed up at the Jets – Baltimore Ravens game dressed in a tight black minidress with a plunging neckline and heels as high as body physiology would permit. I believe that this was the principle reason behind the Jets’ upset loss to the Baltimore Ravens.
You're dam right about DMS.
ReplyDeleteIf you were visiting me in the sewer, don't come dress in white. the alleged improper behavior of the players and their coach also included asking to take a picture with her... excuse my ass ... She came dressed to get a rise and what occurred is what normal charged up football players are going to do in their locker room prior to a football game. And what about the investigation... that's nonsence. give me a break. i read your book which includes many more examples of DMS. You are right on.
Dear Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteThough my book specifically addresses the attack on the white male and its connection to the weakness of America, there is also going on an obvious general attack on all males. The Jets – Mexican lady reporter episode bespeaks of this broad attack.
People have asked me why the Jets’ management and the NFL, which represents all football teams, quickly caved in and reacted the way they did. Since I wasn’t behind their closed doors when their decisions were made, I don’t have the answer. But what I do know, it was made primarily based on their self-interests and not on their ostensible concerns about the feelings of a young Mexican reporter. If I had to make an educated guess, it was due to the issue of money. One possibility is that they were, along with the companies that spend millions of dollars in advertising during football games, scared to death about a potential female consumer revolt against the advertised products which would negatively affect their profits.
Whatever the reason, it was clearly another big attack on normal male behavior. And what should concern all men is the stony silence of all you males from the media to the football players.
The first line of a New York Post’s article, one of my favorite newspapers, on September 18, read, “The Jets escaped punishment….”
ReplyDeleteNot true. There will be a league-wide training program for all 32 teams on proper conduct in the workplace. It will also train the football males how to handle the media with the input from the Association for Women in Sports Media. This decision was made after interviewing 17 people who witnessed the “crime” where Coach Dennis Thurman and Chief Coach Rex Ryan along with Jason Taylor threw footballs in the direction of the “hot” lady reporter in order to get a closer look, if you know what I mean.
Now the facts and broad implications of this happening have not been covered by the media. The following are some questions and issues that should be addressed:
1. What was wrong with the Jets behavior? What’s the issue?
2. Why did the Jets management and the NFL brass react the way they did? Is it because of the threat of being sued for sexual harassment?
3. Why were the coaches and players, except for one who was subsequently reprimanded, remain silent on the indoctrination programs that they will undergo?
4. How would the players in the past have reacted?
5. How would most women react to these flirtatious acts?
6. Do you think the lady reporter is angry about all the publicity she got or delighted about it?
7. Why didn’t the female media cover the story and give their opinions? Is it because to protect their own?
8. More importantly, why didn’t the males in the media, who would have happily thrown the footballs, remain silent? You tell me!
There’s no doubt about it, the Jets episode is an example of our cultures attack on normal male behavior. And there’s no doubt that the mass media refuses to cover this phenomenon. It can only be covered in the cyberspace community.
It's a ridiculous double-standard. The world is expected to walk on eggshells for women, lest the mobs of angry feminists and liberal progressives burn them at the stake for being "masogynist pigs" I know women who get offended when men hold the door open for them! Personally, I'm secure enough in my womanhood to accept a compliment, and intelligent enough not to WALK INTO A LOCKER ROOM DRESSED LIKE AN EXOTIC DANCER.
ReplyDeleteI must say the Jets issue seems to me to be a classic "much ado about nothing" issue. I agree with you that it was fueled by an overreaction of the Jets management (and the media). The only real issue is an old one. Why are women reporters allowed in the men's locker room while they are still showering, toweling off and otherwise walking around naked? Are they kidding? By the way, are men reporters allowed in women's locker rooms (golf and tennis) while they're showering? I know you don't think I grasp the subtleties of all this, but I just don't see it as "an example of our cultures attack on normal male behavior" as much as a symptom of the liberal mentality forced on society by the media.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, Dr. Defelice, I am of the issues with your views is the extreme lack of specificity. You say that you are concerned about white men, but this isn't about just white men this is something about all men (the jets team is composed of mostly black men). So are you concerned for white men or for all men? And if you are concerned about all men, then why didn't you write a book about that? It is definitely true that women are going to college more than men now - all men, not just white men - and that is an issue that we can talk about, definitely. But give me specifics, show me the data, don't tell me stories about some reporter visiting the Jets (or spend time talking about the male orgasm, as you do in your book) when you claim that your issue is white men.
ReplyDeleteThis is the problem with a lot of your writing - you jump all over the place, and then say other people are attacking you or ignoring you. The reason no one can take you seriously is that no one knows exactly what you are advocating. And if your answer to this question is "freedom," well that is just too vague. Anyone who fights for anything can argue that they are fighting for freedom. You need to be more specific: tell us what you are worried about, give us specific and comprehensive data on the issue (not some story about the damn jets), and then give us specific remedies that you suggest we do. Also, I am surprised that you have failed to respond to specific criticisms in comments to other blogs - why don't you answer them? It calls into question whether you are genuinely concerned with your issue [whatever that issue may be] or whether you just want attention.
Also, you need someone to help you with your writing - I would higher a couple people who disagree with you to look over your work, and if you can at least answer a lot of their critiques then you will have something more specific and persuasive.